Born in the city of Buenos Aires in 1971. Graduate School of Fine Arts Manuel Belgrano, currently studying Bachelor of Visual Arts in the IUNA and works as a teacher in the artistic branch of the EPB in the province of Buenos Aires.Estudio Osvaldo drawing with Attila, human figure with Antonio Pujia, paint Enrrique Morales, Fabian Georgina Attila.Sus Labro and works were exhibited in solo and group exhibitions in Argentina Society of Plastic Artists (2007), Fair Amarica Marts (Atlanta 2006), National Museum Quinquela Martin Salon (Art Young 2005), Palais de Glase (organized by the Argentine artists SAAP2004) Haravicus (Province of Salta Cafayate 2003), Nanaka (San Telmo Bs.As.2003), Lezama Park Historical Museum (Art in the South 2002), Museum Quinquela national Martin (2002), Council of the Magistracy (Ciudad Autonoma de Bs.As.2002), Centro Cultural Recoleta (Art from the memory 2001), EBA Manuel Belgrano (Molina Campos Room 2000).